Saving and Printing your Excel worksheet

Saving workbook
Until now, everything that you’ve done has occurred in your computer’s memory. If the power should fail, all may be lost—unless Excel’s AutoRecover feature happened to kick in. It’s time to save your work to a file on your hard drive.
1. Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar. (This button looks like a floppy disk.) Excel responds with the Save As dialog box.
2. In the box labeled File Name, enter Monthly Sales Projection, and then click Save or press Enter.  

Printing worksheet

Printing your worksheet is very easy (assuming that you have a printer attached and that it works properly). Before printing, it’s a good idea to do a print preview.
1. First, make sure that the chart is not selected. Just press Esc or click any cell to deselect the chart.
2. Click the Preview button on the Standard toolbar. Excel opens a new window and displays a preview of the printed output.
3. Click Close to return to your worksheet. 4. If the preview was acceptable, click the Print button on the Standard toolbar. (This button has an image of a printer on it.) The worksheet is printed using the default settings.

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